the Wrong College Major will cost you, Big time!

November 10, 2011

The wrong college major will cost you big time in future pay and employment stabliity.

Will your (or your student’s) college major pay and more importantly will the college major lead to a job?

I came across a recent article on Yahoo News that led me to the Wall Street Journal.

The WSJ article “From College Major to Career” states the following:

Choosing the right college major can make a big difference in students' career prospects, in terms of employment and pay. Here’s a look at how various college majors fare in the job market, based on 2010 Census data. Some popular majors, such as nursing and finance, do particularly well, with unemployment under 5% and high salaries during the course of their careers.

There are certain majors that simply perpetuate themselves. For example, the only job that I can think of for a Philosophy major graduate is to teach philosophy. It’s the circle of life, study philosophy, graduate, teach others philosophy. Being a college professor is not a bad thing, IF that is what you want to do. (If you can think of another job with philosophy major please let me know. Maybe write a book, but that would still fall under the category of teach…)

Check out this link for employment rates AND friend me on Facebook JD Joseph Wyczalek for more tips, and time lines.

While money is not everything, but neither is being broke and not being able to buy food or afford shelter. Take the time to
investigate majors, now, while still in high school. You will be miles ahead of the average student.

Need help with selecting the “right” major. We can help.


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