Ten thousand pound loophole

November 7, 2008

By J.D. Wyczalek Nov 7 2008

Thank God the election is finally over. If there is one more political TV commercial I just might pop. Now we can go back to viewing our regular TV commercials indoctrinated with drug ad pharmaceuticals.

There really should be a pharmaceutical product that cures peniaphobia (the fear of going broke) especially with all of the college expenses coming up. (Side affects may cause anxiety, sleepless night, unexpected freak-out attacks and sudden fainting when you look at the college bill.)

Heck, if your kid says they want to go to ASU you are looking at $767.12 a month and up to $4,333.00 for an elite college. I am going to need a really BIG pill for that one. A really really big pill.

The cost of college has spiraled out of control to the near epidemic proportions of the chaos on Wall Street.  The elite colleges are topping $200,000.00 plus for an education with no promise of a career. With the cost of college so high you can practically buy a small third world country or an island and create your own country with that kind of money.

A few years ago there was a tax loophole in which you could write off the purchase of a ten thousand pound vehicle if you owned a business. Do you remember that one? There are rules about college financial aid that the average citizen does not know about. The primary thing you must know is that there are rules parents can take advantage of and find these hidden gems.

With this knowledge and the application of these strategies for some it is possible to pay the same price to go to ASU or Stanford. How can that be you ask. Knowledge of the system, knowledge of the secrets of the things they do not want you to know.

The founder of AZCollegePlanning.com is quoted as saying that if you know how the financial aid game and college admittance game is played, you can stack the deck in your favor, legally.

Like the ten thousand pound loophole there are things parents can do to align themselves to be more favorable for the financial aid system.

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